Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Strategic Management - Assignment Example With the imminent move toward internationalisation and liberalisation of industry, organisations need to be equipped with the rapid alterations in the business forces. Hence, every company require adjusting with the varying demand of customers as well as variations in the business environment. It is in this context that change is the response of business and other economic occurrences. Change is the procedure of administrative awareness, selection of alternatives and implementation of new or modified functions where managers view certain actions taking place, representing the requirement of change (Rashid & et. al., 2004). The change procedure in modern organisations is exclusive from every perspective owing to the differences prevailing in terms of the culture, i.e. the type of trade, the working environment, the values and principles, the administration and leadership style and the behaviours as well as approach of current employees. Additionally, there is risk of failure as people are generally observed to behave as resistant to the change being implemented or even those which are occurring spontaneously. For some people change can give pleasure, bliss and benefits, while for others, change can bring discomfort, pressure and difficulties (Rashid & et. al., 2004). Among all other factors, the most influential aspect which can create a vast impact on change is the organisational culture (Rashid & et. al., 2004). With due consideration to these prospects, the paper assesses how organisational culture creates an impact on the manner organisational change is embraced or resisted by the employees. Defining Organisational Culture The conception of organisational culture is extensively used in modern day organisations in order to define the environment and working practices which have been developed in order to manage the employees and at large preserve the smooth commencement of business operations. IT is in this context that organisational culture encourages moral e amid employees and statement of principles of a particular company. It is the duty of leaders being the prime executers in an organisation, to develop an effective culture according to the working procedure. It is also their sole responsibility to extinguish a particular culture when it becomes obsolete (Donnell & Boyle, 2008). Culture in any organisation provides the feeling of distinctiveness and defines the organisational traditions, customs, principles, meanings, values, standards and the way determined objectives are achieved in organisations. The culture summarises the positive performances and traditions which was worked in the past. These performances are accepted by long-serving employees in an organisation. Furthermore, the foremost concern a new employee acquires about an organisation is the culture. Culture remains in organisation and becomes a part of its conventional manner of conducting works. Over the years, organisations also develop standards, i.e.

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