Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mercury Footwear Questions

Among the first companies to offer fashionable walking, hulking and boating footwear. Its mother company decided to extend the brand by creating complementary line of apparel. Because of the poor performance, it was decided to sold. Style Logo is marked with prosperous, active and fashion-conscious lifestyle. Its main customers are not interest in its apparel. Financial performance Among the most profitable firms. Had poor performance after acquisition by WAC. Revenue contribution 42% of revenue from athletic shoes and balance from casual footwear.Revenue and operating Income were 470. Million and 60. 4 million In 2006. Revenue and EBITDA were 431. 1 million and 518 million.. Products Athletic shoes developed from high-performance footwear to athletic fashion wear. Four main segments: men's and women's athletic and casual footwear. In order to emphasizing individual products, it began to monitor styles and images from global culture Focus on smaller portfolio of classic products with longer lifestyles and could maintain simple production and supply chains.Sales channels Mainly sold in department stores, specialty retailers, wholesalers and independent distributors. Small percentage is sold through website. Department stores, specialty stores, catalogs, discount retailers and internet. Inventory management Good at inventory management in the industry. Inventory management performance is worse than the average level. Outsource Outsource manufacture in China. Outsource main materials in foreign suppliers. Advantages &Disadvantages It takes small size as its competitive disadvantages.And it faced with some problems in the consolidation of manufacturers. Price cuts and promotion in apparel line hurts operating margins but helped to the growth in sales. Sales growth is lower than the average because of there is little discount in price. We could learn that managers of GAG want to enlarge the scale of its company and gain larger market share because of the stable prof it margin. And since the revenue is almost the same, it is a good choice to merge with Mercury, which means that revenue would be doubled after acquisition.And these two companies have some similar factors, such as : (1) They could use the same sale channels after acquisition, and internet channel could be enlarged. (2) They could combine manufacturers to get a powerful bargain in suppliers. 3) The product segments are almost the same, which means that there should be little work to do after acquisition in product adjustment. (4) Thanks to the profitable ability of GAG, it is much easier to make a better financial performance of Mercury. (5) It is good for them to increase the performance of inventory management if they merge together. 6) Although their target customers are different, especially in ages, which means that style and brand are different in the very beginning, this factor could turn into an advantage for the new company could have a fully segment of customers with wider age ranges. Therefore, take into above factors into account; we think that Mercury should be an appropriate target for GAG. 2. Review the projections formulated by Little. Are they appropriate? How would In the case, we could find that Little used historical averages to assume the overhead-to-revenue ratio.However, historical data is usually useless for future. Some studies found there is little evidence that firms grew fast continued to grow fast in the next period. And sometimes there are even negative correlations between growth rates in the two periods. Besides, smaller firms tend to be more volatile than others, which we could find the same characteristics in these two firms we are talking about. And Just as we mentioned in the question 1, revenue may be doubled after acquisition, it Just fits the theory that it is difficult to maintain historical growth rates as firms double or triple in size.Therefore, based on the above analysis, we think that it is not reasonable to use hi storical data for future projections. And sometimes, analyst should be better than the historical growth. Considering that there are five main channels for analyst forecasts: firm-specific information, macroeconomic information, information revealed by competitors on future prospects, private information about the firm and public information other than earnings, we think Little could find more information from above channels to get more accurate assumption.And since performance of Mercury is poorer than the average of the industry, it is better to use industry average level for the benchmarking of Mercury when predicting, instead of a discount rate of GAG for example. And from the comparison of 2007 to 2006, we can find Ileitis's forecast need great input from GAG to support the development of Mercury, whether he has taken this into consideration? And he estimate debt/equity ratio remains the same as GAG, that is also unreasonable, for it is not possible to change that in short peri od.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Distinctive Periods in History Essay

1. Discuss the causes of the Protestant Reformation. Which do you feel are most important? Why? The Protestant Reformation was caused by a number of cumulative factors ranging from socio-political developments during the 1600s to several blatant weaknesses in the Catholic Church. The socio-political factors range from the ongoing European decentralization during that period with the rise of independent nation states and the breakdown of a formerly medieval set-up under the leadership of the Pope.   Meanwhile, the causes for the breakdown of the medieval society were owed to the Black Death caused by the bubonic plague and the Hundred Years’ War between France and England. Another socio-political factor was the rise of the renaissance period wherein there was a renewed interest in humanism and a rebirth and rediscovery of the ancient arts and culture. Oh the other side of the spectrum, visible weaknesses in the Catholic Church caused a lot of discontent and rebels even among the most faithful within the Roman Catholic organization – the monks and the nuns.   The weaknesses can be further categorized as administrative divisions within the Catholic Church hierarchy, the proliferation of questionable rituals and practices, and rampant corruption and abuse of power in Church. The most blatant abuse came in the form of the sale of indulgences, certificates of remission from Purgatory and Simony or sale of higher Catholic offices to the highest bidder. However, the most important factor of the collapse of the control of the Roman Catholic Church over its followers is primarily because of the exclusion of the ordinary and regular people of direct communication with their God.   Earlier practices, literature and celebration of the Sunday Mass were all done in Latin.   Only the most educated and privileged sectors of society had access to the language.   Hence, the majority of the people felt alienated to it own religion.   Soon, several sects and break off organizations from the original Catholic practice of Christianity began to form their own groups and organizations. Some credit the start of this movement of Protestant Reformation to the posting of martin Luther King’s â€Å"95 Thesis on the Power of Indulgence† on October 13, 1517. It was a straight protest of the corruption of the Catholic Church and the inability of the Pope leadership to bring the Church to the people by making translations of the Latin version of the literatures of the Church like the Bible to plain everyday language like English.   From thereon, some of the more important Protestant groups to break away were the Lutherans, the Reformed/Calvinists/Presbyterians, the Anabaptists, and the Anglicans. The movement also led to a Catholic or Counter-Reformation within the Roman Catholic Church. 2. What advice does Machiavelli give a prince? The advice given by Machiavelli to the Prince is: â€Å"The Prince ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline; (Machiavelli)†. In giving this advice, Machiavelli has put the full weight of a country leader’s responsibility to that of mastering the art of war and defense of its own country.   He iterated again and again that it is the single most important task of a true leader.   Furthermore, he iterated that if a leader cannot take up arms and master the craft of war, he could descend into the rank of a private (Machiavelli). However, a private who has mastered the craft of arms and war could ascend to the rank of a leader (Machiavelli).   Hence, for purposes of maintaining his ascendancy or right to lead, a leader (or prince as referred to throughout the text), should be able to protect his domain above all else (Machiavelli). Another advice that Machiavelli gives the leader (or prince) is that of ensuring he is instills fear in his subjects or domain so that nobody would dare cross him.   He further explains that such a preference of being feared instead of being loved will ensure his throne because of the nature of men.   Men apparently find â€Å"no scruples† over betraying people they love but would find it harder to go against somebody they feared (Machiavelli).   Hence, if there is a choice to be made between being feared or being loved, the leader (or prince) should have no qualms that he should make sure he is feared.   A precaution added here though is that the leader (or prince), while assuring he is feared by his subjects also should ensure he is also not hated by them (Machiavelli).   Apparently, this he can do by making sure he respects their property and their women (Machiavelli). The last advice given was in tune with the practice of the times during the 1600 when nobilities and kings would often abuse their positions and wantonly take what they want from their subjects including the so called â€Å"right of first night† with total disrespect for the husband and also the women during that time. 3. Discuss the Age of Exploration. What were the motivations for the age? The Age of Discovery or Exploration came about when the rise of capitalism was surging throughout Europe and established nations like England and Spain started looking outward of their own domain to plot new territories and sources for gold, silver and spices. From the early 1600s to the 1800s, or for more than 200 years, it was not just the age of discovery for new lands but also a surge in technological innovations of equipment and machines.   The period saw a lot of improvement in the study of cartography and a more realistic global map of nations and territories. Aside from   cartography, improvements in navigation, firepower, and shipbuilding were also flourishing. Why is it significant? This period was significant for establishing the modern day map and the confirmation that the fundamental theories that the world is round and that global meridians do exist.   This period would also plot the socio-political divisions of global powers and their respective and strategic holds on territories and influences. Please name two explorers and describe what they ultimately accomplished. During this period of exploration and discovery, there were several individuals who were made their mark in history because of their contribution to the charting of new found continents and territories.   Among these prominent individuals were Captain James Cook and Ferdinand Magellan.   Captain James Cook was from England and Ferdinand Magellan was from Portugal, but served Spain after being refused by the administration of Portugal to be entrusted with an exploration fleet (Swenson). James Cook James Cook’s beginning was humble, being born to a farm laborer father.   But at sixteen old, his interest in sea voyage was triggered by being an apprentice in a shop located in a seaport with a window overlooking the vast sea.   After more than a year, he began apprenticeship in a merchant’s vessel.   Soon, James Cook went on to study algebra, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, and astronomy.   Ultimately, these skills proved very helpful in helping him pass his apprenticeship, and later on command his own ship.   To expedite the process, he joined the British Royal Navy. He participated in the Seven Years’ War.   He was an active participant in the siege of Quebec.   Here, he was able to use the various skills he learned during his first apprenticeship when he was sixteen yearrs old.   He displayed a talent for cartography and surveying. His main contribution to this age of exploration was his mapping of the Saint Lawrence River that helped General Wolf in his famous attack on the Plain of Abraham.   Capt. James Cook was also responsible for accurately mapping the coast of Newfoundland (part of Canada). He produced the first large scale accurate maps of Newfoundland, despite rough conditions   This started his huge career and impact on the British’ direction of discovery and exploration of new territories.   His most famous quote,   â€Å"To go further than any man has been before me, but as far as I think it is possible for a man to go (Collingridge)†, revealed his primary goal in life. Ferdinand Magellan The second other prominent individual during this age is Ferdinand Magellan. Ferdinan Magellan first approached the administration of   the Portugese royalty, but was refused.   Hence he tried the neighboring nation of Spain, and he was granted an audience and given a chance to prove himself, and his objective of circumnavigating the globe via a westward route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia (Swenson). The fleet of ships started with 270 crew members.   However, only 18 of the original crew was able to circumnavigate the globe and reported the success of Magellan’s team (Swenson). Ferdinand Magellan established the colonial reign of Spain in the Philippine Islands and was the first person to successfully cross all the meridians of the globe.   He also lead the crew   to sail westward from Europe to Asia, and successfully cross the Pacific ocean. Before his discovery of the Philippine Islands, this part of the world was totally unknown (Swenson).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Respect for Superiors in Army

The basic yet fundamental core element of the army as a whole is respect towards your superiors. Respect is necessary within any entity to project the proper and acceptable levels of cohesion needed to function. Not only must one project the appearance of respect, but truly understand what respect means. Since respect can be defined as holding regard or esteem for someone or something, a person must better understand their superiors and surroundings in general. However, due to circumstances within each relationship, whether personal or professional, often times personal issues and concerns must be set aside to reach said levels of cohesion.Removing personal matters or disputes is essential, in most cases, to be able to focus on the tasks at hand and create an efficient work environment. One of the best ways to demonstrate respect for your superiors is to follow the chain of command. By following the chain of command, an example is set, which extends and correlates to all other aspect s of ones’ daily life. Never undermining the order and routine set forth by the United States army enables one to obtain personal goals, as well as those set forth by ones’ team. To disregard the need for order would allow chaos to reign, and all objectives would become null.How can the chain pull the cart if one link is missing? Obedience and direction are necessary, something that can only be enacted and provided by ones superiors. To imagine the ramifications that would ensue as a result of not respecting the chain of command is terrifying. Dissent is often contagious, and seeing the insubordination acted out by one person could create a domino effect on their peers. Furthermore, disregarding the respect that should be shown to ones superiors, especially in the presence of fellow personnel, can be extremely embarrassing.To cause any such emotion in someone of your superior is a direct offense, and should not be taken lightly. Full punishment should be demanded and e nforced. By making one understand the feeling of chagrin, future incidences can hopefully be avoided. Sometimes it is necessary to strip ones pride to get to the base of ones character, to be able to remold it in the image of the United States army. These things directly contribute to the success of the United States Army. Although there are many factions and aspects of the army and its success, respect is a core element and should, itself, be respected at all times, at any cost.Utilizing respect within a unit, within the army, will transform the lives of those that do so. Their professional and personal lives will be enriched with the lessons that they have learned in service, something that will carry over to their families, or future families. It is important to always remember that although respect is generally a two-way street, all evidence of that vanishes when rank is involved. Equally important to consider still is that without the success of the United States army, personal success can never be achieved.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Workflow Analysis and Modelling Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Workflow Analysis and Modelling - Case Study Example through being both selective and demanding on the hotel choices, Carlson Companies need to improve on its customer service scores as a necessity (Carlson Companies Inc, 2006). With such challenges in economic landscaping as well as a whole range of new professional and technologies realities heightening the negative and positive outcomes of single guest experiences, the service stakes continue raising way higher. For the newly connected and competitive world, the operators have to be much aware of the important needs of adjusting to the new realities, as well as the consistent delivery of an outstanding customer service. Carlson Companies can also focus on evolving customer expectations. The capability of satisfying and anticipating the evolution of customer needs is a critical priority. Evidently, customers are rather sophisticated with respect to their encounters of technology while researching, selecting, and purchasing leisure products and services (Szende, 2009). In addition, customers keep resisting the chain mentality as well as the true opportunities of creating customized and unique experiences even as they mind the listed bottom lines. In the end, marketing approaches need continuous adaptation and updates for the effective achievement of customers. Increasingly, the true differentiation remains a difficult scope in achieving the luxury markets while presenting mainstream targets. The main challenge here is the increase in the competition levels. Carlson Companies performance indicates that the entire industry is overbuilt. There are more hospitality rooms available against the number of guests seeking to be accommodated in them. The resultant competition often involves aspects of price-cutting through the efforts of providing more value to the guests and educing further profits under its generation (Reid & Bojanic, 2009). The steep drop in Carlson Companies’ occupancy ratio due to the tight competition and global slowdown across hospitality

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How to create competitive advantage for Chinese companies Dissertation

How to create competitive advantage for Chinese companies - Dissertation Example The Chinese firms have been internationalizing because of the motives both at the firm level and the national level. At the national level, the government’s intent to become the economic superpower and to utilize the foreign exchange reserves drove the Chinese firms to seek overseas opportunities. At the firm level, the Chinese firms were motivated to internationalize in order to acquire resources from the western countries in the form of knowledge, products, technology and strategic position to secure raw materials. However, they ventured into foreign markets without preparing themselves for the challenges that lie ahead. The first and foremost challenge is the Country-of-origin (COO) perception which lends a negative brand image in the minds of the consumers. Other challenges faced by Chinese firms include system inefficiency, technical challenges and capital constraints. Because of the cultural heritage there is excessive government intervention and bureaucracy. The Chinese managers have limited understanding of the local tastes, habits and preferences. They lack in service efficiency and they are conservative in spending on advertising and promotional activities. An evaluation of the theories and the strategy adopted by Haier can help the Chinese companies achieve competitive advantage. Findings reveal that the Chinese companies have to recognize that competitive advantage should be initially built on a smaller scale as small companies are better positioned to understand and satisfy customer needs. They can overcome the negative impact of COO by building a global brand through imagery, logos, slogans and other branding elements. Developing own brand is essential for emerging MNCs as they can face extinction against global companies if they enter the foreign market as the OEM. Targeting the lowest price position can ruin the brand image. Focusing on CSR activities to enhance the brand image can bring them at par with global brands. Incremental and sequential growth should be the strategy to enter foreign markets. Once established in the target market, the Chinese firms can then enter through mergers and acquisitions. The Chinese companies shou ld not focus on ownership as a pre-condition. Entering through alliances and joint ventures, help in controlling costs and enhancing learning opportunities. Overall, the study concludes that Haier pursued a different strategy for internationalization which other Chinese firms can emulate. Effective leadership, combined with global strategy of incremental growth, branding and innovation with investments in technology and developing core competencies can help the Chinese firms overcome the negative impact of the COO and compete against the global companies. The study concluded by suggesting other areas of research on the subject. Table of Contents Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background 1 1.2 History of competition 3 1.3 Competitive advantage 3 1.4 The Chinese economy and the MNCs 4 1.5 Rationale for the study 5 1.6 Research aims and

Team conflict management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Team conflict management - Case Study Example Some of these attribute cuts across the board for all the successful companies. Therefore, it is necessary for the management to understand them and ensure they instill them to the employees. A case of a web design company has been presented where a team is disintegrated. The team comprising of a graphic designer, a programmer, a usability expert, and a project manager are not in good working terms, hence the fate of the team lies on the balance. There are complains that some team members are not playing their roles effectively due to carelessness and lack of meeting the client’s needs. On the other hand, some of the team members have a view that others are being inconsiderate of their predicaments and situations. As a result, there is lack of cohesiveness within the team. These aspects hinder the productivity of the company. The company director has been concerned about the productivity of the team. This report is based on her concerns on the poor conflict management in the organization. Therefore, this report seeks to establish the cause of conflicts and the measures that the company can effect in order to ensure that the team in conflict gets to reconcile. In a ddition, future strategies of preventing conflict will be addressed as well as characteristics of successful team. A team is comprised of individuals with diverse thoughts and views. This diversity ensures that creativity and innovativeness is harnessed for the overall benefit of the team’s objectives. However, this is not always the case; diversity can be a source of conflict. For this reason, teams that have devised proper conflict management mechanisms are able to stand the torrents of conflicts. Conflicts between teams or team members can be caused perceived or actual aspects. Some of the cause of conflict is constructive while majority are destructive. These sources include; A

Monday, August 26, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example Microsoft’s Xbox, Sony’s PlayStation Series and Nintendo’s GameCube games all have been around for a number of years though still these big market players have failed to identify sizeable niche market segments game consoles that exist to date in the industry. Nokia has both the resource capability and technology to enter this market segment with ease in design and planning (Gale Reference Team, 2008). For instance all three game console manufacturers mentioned above along with a sundry of other small and medium companies have been able to increase their market shares despite an ongoing global economic recession. Nokia’s existing resource and technology capabilities would need proper directional guidance from trained hands, especially the technical and managerial staff. Already the above three market leaders’ status has been challenged by many small and medium scale manufacturers whose ability to identify niche market segments in keeping with consumer demographics is said to be one of the reasons for their success (Development and Learning in Organizations, journal, 2003). For instance Nokia’s success in mobile telephone device manufacturing can be utilized to produce a game console that successfully incorporates some of its already tried and abandoned mobile game features (Gale Reference Team, 2007). So far game consoles haven’t been integrated with mobile telephony technology except at random inclusions carried out by Sony in its PlayStation Series. Most of the current literature and discourse on game consoles are characterized by four basic classes of issues – technological issues, pricing issues, quality issues and safety issues. It’s thus an industry that is ever increasingly being marked by competition and reorientation. Against this backdrop of stiffer competition it’s essential to identify the various issue related outcomes in the industry thus focusing attention on the strategically

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nanjing China Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nanjing China - Assignment Example The well-known Confucius Temple is not just a remembrance place for the Great Sage but has an encompassing territory clamoring with shops, eateries and a nibble road housed in customary engineering structures (Elle, 2011). The Zijinshan Observatory, Purple Mountain Observatory, toward the city's east focus was the first innovative observatory fabricated in China. Physical Geography Qinhuai River, in the city's southwest, runs one hundred kilometers. The waterway used to be the most prospering piece of the city in the days of yore. Nanjing is in one of the biggest monetary zones of China, the Yangtze River Delta, which is a piece of the downstream Yangtze River waste bowl. The Yangtze River streams past the west side of Nanjing City, while the Ningzheng Ridge encompasses the north, east and south side of the city. The city is 300 kilometers west of Shanghai, 1,200 kilometers south of Beijing, and 1,400 kilometers east of Chongqing. The city of Nanjing has lavish greenery falls over cl earing slopes and mountains. Conduits run through the city of steel and glass. The city of dreams and supreme aesthetics blooms like a lotus blossom skimming along a waterway careless in regards to the outside world. Nanjing came to fruition at the conjunction of the Yangtze and Qinhuaihe streams. Goujian, King of Yue State, had a city constructed by the Qinhuaihe and named it Yuecheng two and half hundreds of years back. Later the Chu State had a city called Jinling raised at the foot of Qingliangshan Hill.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Organizational Theory and Design Questions Coursework

Organizational Theory and Design Questions - Coursework Example 2. The top management of the organization is responsible for formulating the organizational vision and explicitly defining the purpose by setting mission goals. However, they act as torch bearers for the whole organization by designing a set of periodical goals to support the overall purpose of the organization or vision. 3. The employees of an organization are classified into hierarchies that determine their chain of command, report authority and job descriptions. And organizational structure defines who delegates tasks and who reports them to whom. The structure can be vertical or horizontal. A vertical structure implicates a number of levels of management and reporting trends that slows the decision making process. The horizontal hierarchy is less formal and promotes creativity and quicker decision making. 4. Environmental uncertainty is attributed to changing economic conditions and policies, changes in the social trends and the advent of disruptive technologies. The greatest impact is that of economic change as it impacts nearly every aspect of the organizational working. The environment represents the surroundings in which the firm operates in and hence the stability of this environment is necessary for organizational progress. 5. The business eco system implies that organizations work in collaboration with other businesses and value chain members in order to increase productivity and ensure survival. For example car manufacturers partner with other companies like tire makers and stereo manufacturers to come up with a wholesome car that is well equipped. 6. Global geographical structure is advisable when the organization has the capability to venture into multiple locations. Geographical structure also supports the product customization options by giving the local managers the opportunity to enhance the product according to the need of the market. The local managers also provide a better understanding of the location increasing

Friday, August 23, 2019

Coca-Cola Company vs. PepsiCo, Inc Research Paper

Coca-Cola Company vs. PepsiCo, Inc - Research Paper Example Consequent to this input, the plan is effectively funded to sustain total elasticity as laid down in the Pension Plan Act 2006. Generally, the fund was estimated to finance all the subsequent contributions in future from the operating activities. In accordance to the guidelines of IFRS the international pension plans of the company are funded in conformity to the domestic laws and the income tax guidelines. The company does not anticipate the contributions to the plans to be in effect in any near future. Following the enactment of the Pension Plan Act of 2006, no contributions are expected to be included in the schedule for funding the benefit pension plan. At the end of the financial year 2009, the estimated benefit requirement of the United States eligible pension plans was about $ 2.138 million and the reasonable value of the pension plan was about $ 1.975 million. The major part of this contribution was as a result of depressing effect that the previous financial crisis and finan cial mechanism’s vulnerability had on the company’s pension plan assets. ... The US non eligible pension plans stipulates for particular links which might not be allowed or be included in the financed qualified pension plans as a result of the constrains inflicted by the local revenue code of 1986. The anticipated benefit payments of the stated unfinanced pension plans might not be considered in the schedule for the calculation of the benefit plan. It was expected that the yearly benefit payments to the unfunded benefits plans to be about $ 35 million by 2010 (PepsiCo 2009). It was also expected to remain at that level until 2030 declining yearly thereafter. The profits and losses which emanate from the real familiarity might be different from the presumptions put down by the company which comprise of the disparity amidst the real benefits from the pension plan assets and the anticipated return on the plan assets. Moreover, as a result of the variations in the presumptions the returns are also established at every date of measurement. According to the IFRS, i f the observable accumulated returns or losses are way above 10% of the entire market connected fair value of the benefit plan assets or liabilities, a section of the net margin or loss is considered in the expense for the preceding year. The charges or returns of the plan variations that enhance or decline the benefits for previous employee service cost is considered in the earnings or income on a straight-line basis over the optimal service duration that remains of the active plan contributors. This is normally approximately 10 years for the pension expense and about 12 years for the retiree medical expense (IASB, 2007) Calculation of the funding levels and capital gains experienced by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mix Racial and Cultural Groups Are Growing in the United States Essay Example for Free

Mix Racial and Cultural Groups Are Growing in the United States Essay Mixed Racial and Cultural Groups is increased by a marginal number in the United States. The growth of these multiracial groups started to surface through migration of different ethnics and raised most of their families in the United States even through marriage. These are some of the issues that have been raised by individual people of having an entity separation of mixed race and cultural or to considered them as Americans without a hyphen. Thinking about this issue myself, and thinking of my two children who married to a different ethnic rather than Samoans. These questions come to mind about this issue: How, Why, and what the three words that needs a big explanation about this matter. According to multiracial Americans, Americans whose identity as two or more races identifies with just one group culturally and socially. From statistics that I got from online, stated that about 2. 9% of the population in the year 2010 are self-identified as multiracial. The identity or the classification of the people’s identification is generally according to the culture they were raised in. Social segregation in many areas of the country is forming interracial unions or cultural group. The diversity of social conditions through migrations brought new groups of people to the United States. Through these migrations, mixed races started to rise when interracial marriage were born and started to increase in the United States. The movement of multiracial identity by more than one ethnicity has taken place and strong. Statistics from the year 2010 census in the United States shows that the largest multiracial groups were white and black which is 1. 8 million. The other 1. 7 millions are white and some other race, white and Asian is 1. 6, white and American Indian and Alaskan Native is 1. 4 million. I have learned that the largest growing group in multiracial is white and black which is about 134%. That is more than 1 million people. MIX RACIAL AND CULTURAL GROUP According to Susan Saulny of the New York Times, title Race Remixed, said that â€Å"sea of change is how we think about race, ethnicity and its place in society†. I believe that a challenge to trend towards multiracial from a sociological perspective is a leap that we should take. The understanding of racial and ethnic categories of their boundaries can be a problem to other multiracial groups. I think that ancestry is the biggest influence in identities through a number of generations through migrations. I also believe that each multi mix or racial group should be treated the same regardless of their identity. If they are legally citizens of the United States, they have the right to be treated equally. I believe that they have contributed to the wellbeing and welfare of the United States through their services in employment within the government, military or private companies. Regardless of the race and ethnicity, they should be treated and considered Americans. President Obama is good example of what I mean about treating them the same no matter what color of their skin or where they are from. I know that some of these mix race entities are trying to separate themselves with-in the United States but when they travel to other countries of the world, they considered be call Americans. As a citizen of New Zealand, I am proud to call myself to be an American and I respect the land that my children were born. What can the United States or these multiracial groups gain from wanting to be separated from their identity. Through my search online, I came across Mrs. Karissa Sulliva’s draft and she said that ancestry influences identities. She said that socialization is the crucible of racial and ethnic identity formation. Farley in 2002, construct racial and ethnic classifications which was adopted by the government for each race or reconsidered themselves to either refuse to identify their own race and ethnic category. MIX RACIAL AND CULTURAL GROUP. I believe that mix racial and cultural groups are increasing daily by the number throughout the United States. However, research shows that children with an original multiracial identity grow up to be happier than those of single-race identity. Some of the statistics shows that another addition to the growth of mix race is through adoption of children from countries outside of the United States. According to Fact’s for Families 2010, parents are coping with these pressures in having open communications with the families about their culture and race. Encouragement and support in every multicultural group for families to be familiar with their language, traditions and customs within their families. They have to support and try to establish a good relationship by creating a network for their children, parents, family member, relatives and the community. In conclusion, the separation and classifications between mix racial and multicultural groups is not an easy task or thing to do. Two of my children are married to different ethnic. My oldest daughter is married to an African American and my son is married to a girl who is beautiful and white but has about four or five mix blood in her. I believe in democracy and the United States is nowhere in having a separation of any mix race and cultural group who are living in the United States. God Bless America, God bless the people of the United States. References: Perez, Anthony Daniel, Hirschman, Charles. The Changing Racial and Ethnic. http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC2882688/ The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (March-2011). Facts for Families, no. 71 Multiracial Children. http://www. aacap. org/galleries/FactsForFamilies/71_multiracial_children. pdf Dr. Nicole Martinez and Mrs. Karissa Sullivan. May 6, 2013 .docx.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Media coverage Essay Example for Free

Media coverage Essay Other main causal reasons that shows the connection between media and the suicide rate was the news reporting about the incident. Studies suggest that imitational suicide occur when people are contacted with suicide event and this can be through the media coverage (Baume et al. , 1997). The evidence suggest that media reporting on suicides influences people to engage in the same manner while to some people, suicide can be an alternative way of solving problems (Baume et al. , 1997). This phenomenon can be explained with social learning theory as described previously. News about other people’s suicide cases might affect other people’s feelings especially to those people whom considered suicide and these people might actually commit suicide. Although there were differences in effects through gender or ages, various studies proves that there was certain relationship in news reports of suicide and actual suicides and this relationship leads to increase the actual suicide (Pirkis Blood, 2001). This was one of the examples of Werther effect conducted by media which tends people to commit suicide. When people watch news reporting about other people’s suicides, the idea of suicide may unconsciously affect the mind and their problems may trigger those ideas and these people may actually suicide. Moreover, the reporting of suicide to the public increases the suicide rate especially in celebrities’ cases, in which people becomes copycat. In his study in 2000, Stack found that celebrities’ suicide cases can cause 14. 3 times more copycat suicides than normal suicide cases, but in his study in 2005, he changed the percentage to 5. 27 times (Stack, 2000 2005). Although there were changes in percentage, these evidence shows that people are more likely to copy the suicide behavior of celebrities’ death. For example, after the suicide of Kurt Cobain, the famous rock star, there was increase in suicide crisis calls in the Seattle crisis clinic (David et al. , 1996). Also, there were other incidents that were similar to G case, which are another cases of a celebrities’ suicidal incident, but in these cases, an organization called EXIT(Society for Humane Dying), assists these people with their suicide. After publication of the celebrity (G)’s death and the suggestions that EXIT might be involved with this incident, more people got help from EXIT to commit suicide (Frei et al. , 2003). News report on Celebrities’ suicide was even more dangerous than reporting normal people’s suicide. Celebrity suicide can be a risk factor in a way of suicidal ideation and this can be effective to people in both right after the celebrities’ suicide and also in long term (Fu Yip, 2007). People, who have suicidal ideation, meaning thinking about suicide or actually planning to commit suicide, may be affected by the way celebrities commit suicide and may follow the same steps. In the celebrities’ suicide cases, people are emotionally more attached because they tend to know more the true identity of that particular celebrity due to the information’s released through magazines and news compared to the information’s given while the celebrity was still alive. Therefore, with emotional despair to celebrities’ suicide and effect of it to suicidal ideation, people would want to commit suicide in same ways as those celebrities did. Apart from the news reporting about the suicides, there are cyber suicides in which people get information’s from, like the website, and actually committed suicide. Internet, one of the most recent and developed sources of media, were used to increase the suicides, especially to teenager cases. The term â€Å"cyber suicides† shows new aspects of suicides in the young generations. As the internet develops, there are various websites created on the cyber world. There exist more than 100,000 websites on the internet which are about methods of committing suicide (Alao et al. , 2006). People search for information on the web and the suicide websites can easily pop up by simply typing in the word â€Å"suicide† to the search engine. Suicide covers enormous range of internet resources and a simple search of the word suicide reveals thousands of matches (Baume et al. , 1997). These suicide websites contain detailed information such as notes, various ways to commit suicide, and time and pain description to those suicides (Alao et al. , 2006). One of the major death reasons among the teenagers was suicide, and teenager spends more time on the web and the internet gives them the information about suicide (Becker Schmidt, 2004). Young people, including teenagers, are more likely to commit suicide, influenced by internet, and probable explanation to this may be due to their vulnerable personalities and risk-taking behaviors (Alao et al. , 2006). Especially, the sensitive nature of naive teenagers becomes unprotected from all cruel information from internet suicide resources and they tend to follow the acquired information. Many actual cases were reported about how people commit suicide with tips from suicide websites (Alao et al. , 1999). These cases were yet to be determined whether or not those victims were affected by these websites since the victims were fortunately failed to commit suicide, but still there are unknown actual victims of this website who ended their lives. On the internet, there are other means acquired than suicide websites. People also use chat rooms and newsgroup mailing system to discuss about suicides (Baume et al. , 1997). Discussing about suicide issues involving how to suicide is not a forbidden topic on chat rooms and people are actively talking about these topics. Also, the newsgroup mailing system gives recent updates to the suicide issues. Some people write postings on suicide site about when they are going to commit suicide before they actually do it and there was no prevention to this (Baume et al. , 1997). The internet can affect suicidal behaviors more directly than newspapers or news reporting (Baume et al. , 1997). All of these are happening because internet is a special space, in which interaction between people were different from the real world. With this specialty, people care less about how other people are claiming that they are going to kill themselves. It is also difficult for suicidologists to solve these cyber suicide problems because of the characteristics the internet have (anonymity and world-wideness) and it is complicated to reach out the potential victims for therapeutic interaction (Baume et al. , 1997). There might be some helpful suicide website, which persuade people who enter the site not to commit the crime and provide them help resources and ideas of the possible effects if they actually commit suicides. However, there are still many website that even encourages a group of suicidal people who wanted to commit suicide but had not made up their minds yet which then attracted to these ideas and actually commit the suicides. Furthermore, there are publications about how to commit suicide and this book can bring the ideas or suggestions about suicide. These books are actually used by the people who commit the suicide and this can be proved by the fact that books about suicides are often placed near the dead people who committed suicides (Lester Schaller, 2000). Some people might buy the suicide books just for fun, but having this type of book in the house may suggest the idea of suicide unconsciously. People may did not have the idea of committing suicide at first, but after reading this book or just have it in the house can pull the trigger whenever they feel a little bit depressed or encounters problems. Some countries ban this type of book, but other countries still allow the publication of this book based on the reasoning that if this book was banned, people might seek for it more (Lester Schaller, 2000). However, unlike the purpose of allowing this book, the actually suicide cases show that there is some effect from this book. There were evidences found that shows direct relationship of the suicide book and the actual suicide rate. When the suicide book, Final Exit (a guide for committing suicide by asphyxjectiation), was published, suicide by the recommended method increased 313% in New York City (Stack, 2005). Moreover, in 27. 3% of the suicide cases, a copy of this book was found near the scene of the suicide (Stack, 2005). This demonstrates how a copy of a book can affect people’s mental behaviors. As reviewing the mentioned cases, it can be concluded that the media, the internet, and books contributes percentage to the people’s suicidal rate. To prevent this from happening, there should be regulations that will restrict the media and treat the suicide issues in a manner where their reporting will not provide ideas nor will it triggers the â€Å"let’s do that† attitude to the people. There are different media guidelines for reporting suicides to prevent irresponsible reporting of suicide (Pirkis et al. , 2006). According to these guidelines, media should not report the suicide as sensational event (Pirkis et al. , 2006). Although these guidelines have similarities, they have developed differently and there need to be evaluations to the guidelines (Pirkis et al. , 2006). For example, in Cobain case, due to high professionalism and responsibility in media, there were only a few copycat suicides (Jobes et al. , 1996). There should be expansion to these guidelines and these guidelines should be spread to all news media and news directors should seriously consider about this before publishing the news. Cobain’s suicide might be a tragic event, but through this, the media might learn the importance of the media coverage on the suicides (Jobes et al. , 1996). The suicide prevention organizations can work on to change the news reporting on suicide and thus, make the media contribute to reduce the suicide (Stack, 2003). Also, the suicide website and suicide books should be banned to prevent the idea or suggestion of committing suicides. The suicides can be prevented easily if the people around that particular person pay more attention. Especially to those people who published suicide information in the internet, these people truly needs to think about their responsibilities to other people’s lives and the effect they might contribute by simply postings their works. Also, there are many organizations that help preventing people to commit suicides and the people with the suicidal attitudes must contact these organizations. Suicide considers being an extreme way to end one’s life, one should always keep in mind that there are millions of reasons why people must keep on living despite the many obstacles they faces. Problems come and go; no people in the world who don’t have a problem. Problems are the cycle of life, the meaning of life, the reasons behind the success and the happiness, the reasons why people learn and evolved. Problems should not be the reason for ending life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Information Technology Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Information Technology Essay Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or as any systematic investigation to establish facts. The primary purpose for applied research as opposed to basic research is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. But usually, greater magnitude of advantages outweighs its disadvantages. The word research is used to describe a number of similar and often overlapping activities involving a search for information. For example, each of the following activities involves such a search; but the differences are significant and worth examining. Ten years ago, the term internet was practically anonymous to most of the people. And today internet has become the most ever powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool of modern scenario. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room.. Advantages The Internet provides many facilities to the people. The main advantages of Internet are discussed below: Information: Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, yahoo is at your service on the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is end less. Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the Internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have started giving assignments that require research on the Internet. Almost every coming day, researches on medical issues become much easier to locate. Numerous web sites available on the net are offering loads of information for people to research diseases and talk to doctors online at sites such as, Americaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Doctor. During 1998 over 20 million people reported going online to retrieve health information. Time: A second advantage is that Internet-based survey research may save time for researchers. As already noted, online surveys allow a researcher to reach thousands of people with common characteristics in a short amount of time, despite possibly being separated by great geographic distances (Bachmann Elfrink, 1996; Garton et al., 2003; Taylor, 2000; Yun Trumbo, 2000). Cost: Online survey researchers can also save money by moving to an electronic medium from a paper format (Bachmann Elfrink, 1996; Couper, 2000; Llieva et al., 2002; Yun Trumbo, 2000). Paper surveys tend to be costly, even when using a relatively small sample and the costs of a traditional large-scale survey using mailed questionnaires can be enormous. The use of online surveys circumvents this problem by eliminating the need for paper and other costs, such as those incurred through postage, printing, and data entry (Llieva et al., 2002; Watt, 1999; Witmer et al., 1999). Access to Unique Populations: One advantage of online survey research is that it takes advantage of the ability of the Internet to provide access to groups and individuals who would be difficult, if not impossible, to reach through other channels (Garton, Haythornthwaite, Wellman, 1999; Wellman, 1997). In many cases, communities and groups exist only in cyberspace. For example, it would be difficult to find a large, concentrated group of people conducting face-to-face discussions of topics such as cyber-stalking, online stock trading, and the pros and cons of virtual dating. While people certainly discuss such issues among friends, family members, and co-workers, few meet face-to-face in large groups to discuss them Communication: The foremost target of internet has always been the communication. And internet has excelled beyond the expectations .Still; innovations are going on to make it faster, more reliable. By the advent of computerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. Today for better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts, can explore other cultures of different ethnicity Collection of Information: A lot of information of different types is stored on the web server on the Internet. It means that billions websites contain different information in the form of text and pictures. You can easily collect information on every topic of the world. For this purpose, special websites, called search engines are available on the Internet to search information of every topic of the world. The most popular search engines are,,, etc. The scientists, writers, engineers and many other people use these search engines to collect latest information for different purposes. Usually, the information on the Internet is free of cost. The information on the Internet is available 24 hours a day Online Airlines and Railway Schedules: Many Airline companies and Pakistan Railway provide their schedules of flights and trains respectively on the Internet. E-Commerce: Ecommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial manoeuvring, or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via Internet. It has become a phenomenon associated with any kind of shopping, almost anything. You name it and Ecommerce with its giant tentacles engulfing every single product and service will make you available at your door steps. It has got a real amazing and wide range of products from household needs, technology to entertainment Searching Jobs: You can search different types of jobs all over the world, Most of the organizations/departments around the world, advertise their vacant vacancies on the Internet. The search engines are also used to search the jobs on Internet. You can apply for the required job through Internet. Disadvantages Internet has many advantages but it also has some disadvantages. These are as follows: Accuracy of Information: A lot of information about a particular topic is stored on the websites. Some of the information may be incorrect the correct information may be confused or not authentic. Wastage of times A lot of time is wasted to collect the information on the Internet. Some people waste a lot of time in chatting or to play games. At home and offices, most of the people use Internet without positive purpose. Virus threat: Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache. Immorality: Some websites contains immoral materials in the form of text, pictures or movies etc. These websites damage the character of new generation CONCLUSION In conclusion, internet data collection offers many advantages, but also has some disadvantages. Researchers must carefully consider their needs in light of the challenges and benefits it can present. Even though there are arguments against theft of personal information on the use of internet for research purposes, researchers may be experiencing grave danger as personal information such as name, address, bank details can be accessed by other culprits to make problems worse. Though, information are widely available on the internet making research less expensive in terms manpower hour used, the school of taught question the authenticity of some of the information available. Pornography is perhaps the biggest threat related to childrenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s healthy mental life. Very serious situations regarding the internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the internet Academics from different universities can come together to pursue the same research cost effectively, discussing on daily basis using video conferencing, virtual community etc. without moving out of their geographical locations all by the aid of internet technology. Though, internet can also create devastation, destruction and its misuse can be calamity, I can still argue that the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages

rescued :: essays research papers

Introduction Jacques Nasser was born in Lebanon in 1949, but grew up in Australia. He joined Ford's Australian operation as a financial analyst before he was barely 20, eager to see the world. In 1973, he came to the United States to join Ford's North American Truck Operations and the company's finance staff. Nasser jumped at the opportunity to travel around the world by accepting International assignments, which others avoided to places like Thailand, The Philippines, Venezuela and Argentina. He moved back to the United States after being promoted to the key position of President of Ford Automotive Operations and finally in 1999, he became Ford's CEO. Jacques Nasser has been portrayed as a man that possesses good and Impeccable leadership qualities. Before Nasser came on board of Ford's Motor Co., Ford had been a company that efficiently made cars, and in recent years at least, earned solid profits. Nasser has plans to take Ford to the forefront of the Motor industry and transform it into a nimble, flexible organization and better attuned to the International automobile Industry he sees emerging. From the very time Nasser joined Ford, he had displayed hardworking abilities, being from a modest and often intolerant surroundings as a Lebanese born immigrant in Anglo-dominated Australia. Jacques Nasser in his quest to make ford a front-runner in the motor Industry exhibited several signs of leadership, which has made the company progress. Jacques, in addition to having a profile that includes speaking fluent English, Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese (which are all qualities that a person involved in global operations of a business should possess), also speaks the most important language that any auto executive can understand: the language of a passion for cars that is respected by both consumers and enthusiasts alike, as reported in the Detroit News. As President and Chief executive officer of Ford Motor Company, Nasser has all of the credentials that point to a natural rise to top level management of a global automaker while continuing to embrace the equities that helped him to his ascension. As a true car lover, Jacques usually drives Ford's cars and other competitor's cars to know their various mechanisms, how they run and any other way it could be improved. Other executives are known to be usually driven around by personal chauffeurs, while Nasser derives joy from driving himself to wherever he is going with his sport cars. In the Management textbook by Griffin, hundreds of studies have been

Monday, August 19, 2019

Creatine: Hazardous or Healthy Essay -- essays research papers

CREATINE: Hazardous or Healthy?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In sports today, everyone is looking for that extra advantage to enhance their performance, and to compete harder and stronger than their opponent. Creatine has become a major part of many athletes weight training and conditioning programs in the past few years. Many people have different opinions as to whether or not this substance should be used. After researching the topic of Creatine, I have concluded that there is nothing wrong with taking the supplement called Creatine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The supplement, known as Creatine or â€Å"Nature’s Steroid†, is the latest craze of the movement, and is selling over 100 million dollars in profit each year. â€Å"Creatine is a natural substance that was first discovered by a French Chemist named Chevreul† (Higher Power Creatine Web page). It is found in its highest form in lean red muscle tissue of animals and humans in the form of Creatine Phosphate. â€Å"Creatine must be combined with exercise to get an effect. When muscles are used to lift a weight, or perform any type of work, ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is quickly broken down to ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) and energy is released. The amount of ATP stored in the muscle must rely on Creatine to restock its supply of ATP. This cycle is repeated throughout the training period. Therefore, the addition of supplementary creatine allows the duration of the body’s maximum effort to increase. Which basically means you can lift more weight for a longer pe riod of time†(Applegate 25). Muscles will only increase in size when stimulated by a greater workload. For example, before one was using a Creatine supplement, he or she was bench-pressing 170 pounds, for 3 sets with 8 repetitions each set. With use of Creatine one is able to bench press 180 pounds, for 3 sets with ten repetitions per set. Thus, enhancing performance, and gradually increasing overall strength and muscle mass.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The one major concern about Creatine is if it is harmful, and the type of side affects that may occur from its use. â€Å"Creatine is a natural, safe substance that already exists in the human body. Its function is to provide the body with energy reserves. Reports have also shown that it is not an addictive substance, like tobacco. Creatine is safe for both sexes. Common side eff... ...efore exercise†(Fitness Pros Bodybuilding Web page). This gives the Creatine time to get to the muscle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two periods in which one takes Creatine. â€Å"The Loading period, in which he or she takes 2 to 4 full teaspoons per day spaced throughout the day, for a weeks time. The purpose of the Loading phase is to overdose the body with the supplement, which allows maximum absorption. After Loading is done one has to maintain or regulate the amount of Creatine in their system. The recommended Maintenance period includes taking 1 to 2 full teaspoons daily, for as long as one continues using the supplement†(Fitness Pros Bodybuilding Web page). Through my research, I found that these periods varied, but this program was the most consistent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To conclude, Creatine or â€Å"Nature’s Steroid†, is an over the counter dietary supplement that helps build lean muscle mass, and shortens recovery time between workouts. Its side effects are nowhere near life threatening, and the supplement is natural and already in our muscles. Creatine is a legal, healthy way to enhance muscular strength and endurance in the striving athletes of the world.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

[Go up with Senior Homecoming t-shirt and hold up front and back so everyone can see] "Seniors. We just don't care." I feel that this has been our slogan for the past four years, but what I wanted to talk to you about is the opposite of what our shirt says. When I was chosen to speak, you have no idea how honored I was. It was completely unexpected. There's so much that I feel for you as I stand before you at this moment and I can feel the tears coming on, but I'll try to hold back until after the ceremony. There's so much I want to say to you that putting it all into words is difficult. I know that to some of you I'm just one of those annoying people that yell during assemblies and sometimes I'll tell you to do it, too. But despite the fact that I yell at assemblies and despite that fact that I want you to, too, there's more to it than that. As big as an advocate I am for school spirit, I admit sometimes the importance of it is not always clear. But the importance of something else is clear and that is compassion. To me, compassion is a deep sense of love, understanding, and sympathy for others. Someone with true compassion can feel it for someone they don't even know, someone who is entirely different from them, and someone who they might not even like. For this reason, compassion is not an emotion. We must be able to share it regardless of who the person is. Can you walk down the street and see a random face in the crowd and feel concern for their well-being? I have seen the amazing compassion that people are capable of and it moves me to tears. September 11th stays vivid in our minds. One aspect that touched me was how America came together with each other in order to share sympathy and comfort. Americans f... ... you continue on from high school, before you look at another in contempt, consider compassion instead. Will it take someone's death before you realize their worth as a person? Some of you are my close friends, some of you I only say hello to, and some of you I've never had the opportunity to speak to, but no matter who you are, I feel compassion for you right now. You are the people I have shared high school with and all I want for you is success and happiness in your future. You are all important to me. Before I end, I want to give thanks to the one I couldn't have gotten through high school without and that is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate example of compassion and love for me. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak and thank you for making high school so incredibly memorable and special to me. May God bless you all.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Customer Service Essay

As a highly motivated and energetic person, I was excited to learn of your company’s opening for an Assistant Manager. In reviewing my resume, you will find that I possess all the attributes your are seeking, gained in over six years of hands-on progressive experience. A perfect match for your needs. You seek someone with motivational and leadership skills. I propelled my career to become the top Senior Sales Consultant for a fortune 500 company that serves 90 stores in 25 states. While increasing the bottom line of the company using innovative techniques, I utilized strong interpersonal skills to build a solid team of personnel with a high morale. Exceptional Customer Service has been demonstrated by my ability to manage customer’s needs while applying operations knowledge by implementing aggressive sales plans with a cutting edge technique, of particular value to your industry. A team player with the ability to work effectively with others, I developed training techniques that provided win-win results – Through a product-awareness program employees received intensive training, while customer’s benefited from well-informed and confident customer service personnel. For your convenience, I have kept this letter short. I can make an immediate and valuable contribution to In-Game Support Entertainment and look forward to meeting you where we can discuss in more detail your needs and my qualifications.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Andres Wood Chile

Philip Kurian 2603275 LAH 4734 â€Å"Machuca, 2004† Directed by Andres Wood – Chile Setting: For the Machuca film, the setting for it was taken place in the city of Santiago de Chile. It was based around a private preparatory school called Colegio Saint Patrick; Jesuits ran the school. Summary: The Machuca film was in Colegio Saint George that was a private school that taught English to boys by the Jesuits.When a group of new students from the barridas (slums) come to the school they are looked down and get picked on. Pedro is one of them but soon become friends with Gonzalo who is  educated and rich. All throughout the streets  you see clashing  sides that are  protesting either for or  against president  Salvador  Allende. Eventually you see army go into the shantytowns, they kick out all the village people and the whole place gets deserted. Historical Context The movie is based upon the period of when Salvador Allende was in control before the military coup in 1973.In the film you can see a big difference in the way  the upper class and lower class live, it was a huge separation in class divisions. Even though Allende made Chile richer, it only benefited the rich. Allende got legally elected, but still the military along with the United States entered with force to take over Salvador Allende to end his bad regime. Point of View: Andres Wood tried to show the film though a child point of view in order to capture a â€Å"innocent perspective†.This was an issue that split the country; he tried to show in that point of view because he did not want to be bias rather just more informative to show the history of Chile. From this film the state supported the vision of the film and the left wing supported it was well but the right-wing neighborhood felt it was more one side. Regardless it was a film that helped Chile to grow its movie industry, it was a challenge but this movie was popular and helps the industry to grow. Bibliogra phy See PDFs: -Interview with Andres Wood -Machuca_Journal_Review

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Veldt Essay

Literature often deals with the dangers of our reliance on technology and the loss of innocence in children. The Veldt, written in 1950 by Ray Bradbury heavily relates to today’s society through our dependence of modern science and its technology. Through the children’s capacity for violence we are able to get a deeper understanding of the idea in the text of the negative impacts of consumerism and how that relates to our lives today. George and Lydia own an automated â€Å"Happylife Home,† what they thought would be good for their children and their imagination. The house is wife and mother now, and nursemaid. † [†¦] â€Å"I’m beginning to feel unnecessary to. â€Å" The mother Lydia says this and both parents are now realising there is something wrong with their way of life. They discuss how they are now part of a virtual reality rather than being self-sufficient and doing usual chores themselves. George and Lydia discuss whether or not to switch off the house, however therefore ruining their children’s happiness and their beloved nursery. This connects to the idea of the negative impacts of consumerism and the dangers of our reliance on technology. The roles of father and mother have been replaced. The children rely on technology more than their own parents and appreciate the house more than them. They are essentially living in a false world, which relates to our lives today. In the 21st Century the roles of not only mother and father but of workers as well have been replaced with technology. Those who worked in factories have now been replaced with heavy machinery and the consequences are the loss of jobs. Also though, today we rely on technology to perform the simplest tasks consequently making our generation lazier than previous generations. Another idea in the text is that we children’s capacity for violence through the use of technology and therefore their loss of innocence. Both George and Lydia question as to why there was so much death in the African nursery. We can now see however that’s its because Peter and Wendy had been thinking of death all along. â€Å"Why, they’ve locked it from the outside! â€Å"Mr and Mrs Hadley screamed. † After being warned the house was to be switched off, the children then locked their parents inside the nursery. Once inside, the parents realised that the screams they heard, and they prey they saw the lions eat earlier were in fact them. Then in the last line of this short story Wendy offers McClean, the psychologist a cup of tea, proving how effortlessly it was to kill their parents in order to save the house. Through the death of George and Lydia we can see this relates to today’s society. Just like the parents, we as a society today are locked inside of technology and we allow it to eat us alive. It affects our physical state with addiction and constant need for more technology. The Veldt, through the main ideas of the negative impacts of consumerism and children’s capacity for violence we get a deeper understanding of the dangers of technology. This story shows us how we buy devices without worrying about what they might do to our lives. It shows us the severe consequences of technology and illustrates how we as a society need to recognise the dangers before its too late.

Film and Classicism

Film scholars have long divided films into three stylistic categories: Realism, Classicism, and Formalism. The purpose of style-the way in which motion picture form molds content-depends on how the filmmaker approaches the narrative formation of the story he has decided to tell, the goal of a classicist is to tell a story in the best way possible. When I see films I like to escape my own reality so I’m choosing to write about Classicism. From the realism and formalism stand point, the classical style falls somewhere in between and is the more dominant way of telling the story, meaning this is what most film styles are, so it reaches a larger audience. Although classicism falls in between the genres of realism and formalism, most classicism films will lean more towards either realism or formalism (Giannetti, 2008). Realism, unlike classicism, is all about showing the truth. A realist will try to carry on the illusion that their film is an impartial reflection of the real world. Realism is about everyday people in everyday situations, for instance a documentary or your sister’s wedding filmed by your uncle Ted. The director wants the audience to feel like the events have actually happened and get inside the characters mind. Classicism, on the other hand, is fictional but it reminds you of the world we know, it’s all about idyllic storytelling. The narrative classical is typically based on a conflict between a central character who creates a problem and the adversary who resists it. Most films in this form begin with wanting to know how the lead character is going to get what he/she wants in the face of substantial opposition. The characters in classicism cinema are appealing and romanticized and audiences are encouraged to identify with the characters’ values and goals (Giannetti, 2008). The characters in the classical movie are played by actors and actresses instead of unknown people. (Giannetti, 2008) And at the other end of the scale we have formalism. Formalistic film makers sometimes do not even have characters and avoid a story all together. They have no desire to show reality. Formalism wants to show their own image of the world, sometimes to the extreme where it’s just abstract images and music to create an emotional and psychological experience. Classicism on the other hand, has images that are determined by the relevance of the story rather than the desire for authenticity, as is realism, or a desire for formal beauty, as formalism desires. Film critic, Herman G. Weinberg, describes the connection between the story and film flawlessly when he states, â€Å"The way a story is told is part of that story. You can tell the same story badly or well; you can also tell it well enough or magnificently. It depends on who is telling the story† (Giannetti, 2008, p. 8). Classism style rarely calls attention to itself, as realism and formalism styles do. (Giannetti, 2008) Yet, classicism is the leading style in films, it focuses on the story the film is trying to portray to the audience. Creating a realistic world and telling the story through an hidden lens to entertain an audience is the main reason I like this type of film. I want to get lost in the characters and feel like I’m taking part in the story.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Cavalier Poetry

Cavalier Poetry is an early 17th century movement centered chiefly on Thomas Carew, Robert Herrick, Richard Lovelace, Henry Vaughn and John Suckling. Ben Jonson admired most of these poets. Cavalier Poetry takes its name from the supporters of King Charles I in the 17th century. These supporters at this period were called the Cavaliers; They were royalists during the civil wars. Aspect of Literary characteriscs, Cavalier Poetry is different from metaphysical poetry because it does not use complicated metaphors and unrealistic imagery. It prefers a rather clear expression. Although It did not confuse readers with deep meaning and allegory It reflected every thought. Its subject was mostly related to carpe diem (meaning seize the day). Using of direct language is the most common characteristic of Cavalier Poetry. This states a fairly individualistic personality. While writing, the Cavaliers admit the ideal of the Renaissance Gentleman who is a soldier, a lover, clever, a musician, and a poet. However They keep away from the religion subject except making several graceful speeches. They do not try understand depths of soul. Indeed, they treat life freely, and occasionally they treat poetic canvention freely, as well. Life is too enjoyable for them in a study. They must write the poems in intervals of living and their poems reflect things which are much alive and enjoyable than philosophy or art. English Lyrical Tradition was contributed by the Cavaliers. They displayed us that it was probable for poetry celebrating the small pleasures and sadnesses of life. The most comman format of poetry that comes to mind is a typical example of the Cavalier thought structure.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Criminal Law and Historical Focus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Criminal Law and Historical Focus - Essay Example (Landau, 2002) In presenting England's criminal law, Blackstone a common lawyer of earlier generation, chose not to highlight settled procedural distinctions and arcane terms, but instead he invoked a distinctive kind of legal wrong he identified as "public" in nature. The terms crime and criminal law, while enjoying wide linguistic currency, were not always the part of technical vocabulary of the law. In the medieval period, English law was explicitly differentiating between civil and criminal materials. And as is immediately disclosed by the titles of such works as Lord Kames "History of the criminal law" (1758) and William Eden's "Principles of penal law" (1771), eighteenth-century jurists certainly supposed there existed a general category of law that might serve as the object of their scholarly attention. English law, according to a familiar complaint, simply lacked much by way of system or coherent organization, particularly as compared with Roman law, which hitherto dominated university law studies and which set the relevant standard for juristic elegance. "It was thought impracticable to bring the Laws of England into a Method", explained by one of Blackstone's eighteenth-century precursors, "and therefore a Prejudice was taken up against the study of our Laws, even by Men of Parts and Learning". On this basis, English law along with the Canadian law was unable to become an object of rational learning, and instead had to be mastered through the practical, craft-like techniques of legal apprenticeship. Blackstone, as a lawyer was confident of the English law's credentials as a rational system, but the efforts of other lawyers were not considered "failure" to bring changes in the system after negotiations. Law Reform Law reform was supposed to be the one and only asset, exclusively the preserve of lawyers, and Bentham's combination of the wisdom of the reformer and the craft of the lawyer recognized its potential to divide the legal profession. The common lawyer's innate respect for existing institutions and his appreciation of the subtleties of the status quo not only made novelty in the early years of entering into the criminology, but also it particularize the concept of jurisdiction in the early years of reform, as an object of suspicion. The means and scope of amendment were a further cause for division, even after its need was established. There was a disturbing element of self-examination in law reform to which some lawyers found it difficult to respond with enthusiasm. The status quo would always find friends in influential positions, particularly in respect of criminal law reform amongst the judiciary. Law - A Profession towards Criminal Trial Process As the pace and scale of law reform increased it became an intense preoccupation of the legal profession and for the eighteenth century lawyers, acted as a charm to enter into such a jurisdiciary profession. It was the dominant theme of professional literature of that period that lasted the debate over the role of counsel and advocacy in the criminal trial, for a longer period of time and consideration in this work, could be traced in parliamentary debates, select committee minutes, the evidence and reports of the Criminal Law Commissioners, periodical and professional journals, biographies and other professional lite

Monday, August 12, 2019

Angola - High mortality rate Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Angola - High mortality rate - Term Paper Example ain consists of agricultural highlands, with a large savanna in the east and south; and rain forest strips in the north and the enclave of Cabinda (U.S. Department of State, 2011). Angola has a tropical climate. According to the WHO (2011), the total population of Angola is 18,498,000. Its main ethnic groups are: â€Å" Ovimbundu 37%, Kimbundu 25%, Bakongo 13%, mixed racial 2%, European 1%† (U.S. Department of State, 2011). Around 17% of its population are children 5 years old and below. Approximately 42% live in the rural areas. The official language in Angola is Portuguese and the Portuguese compose the largest non-Angolan population. Angola has a republic government system. A new constitution was enacted on February 5, 2010 and three days after, President dos Santos established a new government. The new constitution made a party list system where citizens can vote for a party, instead of a single candidate, and the president will be the head of the winning party’s list (U.S. Department of State, 2011). It created a new office of the vice president, and removed the position of the prime minister. The next presidential and parliamentary elections are projected to occur in 2012. Angola is rich in oil, gas, and diamonds, but remains in the lower rings of 10% of numerous socioeconomic indicators (U.S. Department of State, 2011). GDP growth in 2009 did not improve, though higher GDP projections are expected for the coming years (U.S. Department of State, 2011). An estimation of Angola’s oil reserves showed it to range from 9.5 billion to 13.5 billion barrels (U.S. Department of State, 2011). Crude oil composed around 50% of Angolas GDP, as well as 95% of its exports, and 72% of government revenues in 2010 (U.S. Department of State, 2011). Angola also generates 40,000 bpd of locally refined oil. Angola ranks 160th in the UNDP Human Development Index (WHO, 2005, p.1). The main determinants of health are the financial resources of the country, the availability of

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teenage Pregnancy - Essay Example But it happened again two days later. It was Sunday and Sonakshi had not even stepped out of home since morning. She had only eaten the porridge Mumta poured into her plate in the breakfast. Her exams had been over for two days and she had not even opened any book since then. Her dizziness and vomiting could not be associated with any eating disorder. Mumta was worried more than ever before. She took her to a doctor, and after a couple of tests, she was declared pregnant. That was the doom’s day for Mumta and Mithlesh. Their 15 year old daughter had been in a physical relationship with John Good, the boy next door for the last four months. They could not hurt her against the law, though they so wished they had been in India where they could ferociously beat their daughter. Mumta could not bear it and poisoned herself to death. Having lost the wife and the love for his daughter, Mithlesh got extremely depressed. What worried Mithlesh more than everything was that Sonakshi had n ot respected the cultural traditions of India, according to which, girls do not fornicate outside marriage. He thought it did not matter in USA, but it would certainly not be approved of in India. So he thought about marrying his daughter to John. He explained the whole scenario to John’s parents, Martha Good and Andrew Good who were pure Americans.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Global issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Global issues - Essay Example The economic inequality refers to the gap that exists between the rich and the poor; whereas the social inequality is concerned with the freedom of speech, right to vote, the extent of property rights, etc. There are various factors that influence the income inequality in a particular country. Some of the major factors are the family structure, the rapid advancements in technology, the rate of immigration and the growing markets. The family structure is changing. The rate of women in the labor market is increasing, which has changed the outlook of the labor market. Each family contains two or three times more workers than there were in the past. With rapid technological advancements the demand of skilled labors is increasing; therefore people who are not skilled are left behind. As the larger markets are growing the smaller markets are almost vanishing. Immigration affects the supply of labor and skilled labor often move to developed countries for opportunities. Global climate is considered to be the temperature, atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind precipitation, etc. The global climate is continuously changing and it is turning out to be more unequivocally warm. Scientists think that the human activities such as the emission of gases from green house are the major reason behind the changing global climate. It is important to understand the dynamics of global climate because it helps us to gain information about the atmosphere, biomass, oceans, cryosphere and the land surface. The only solution to minimize the effects of this phenomenon is to study it in detail and minimize the activities which impose negative effect on this phenomenon. Biological diversity implies the variety or the diversity of different species of plants and animals living in a specific area. Biodiversity is very important as it boosts the productivity of the ecosystem. Human activities are a major threat to biodiversity. Despite of the increased efforts conservation;

Friday, August 9, 2019

Merger and Acquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Merger and Acquisition - Essay Example Johnson & Johnson, on the other hand, is one of the biggest names in the healthcare industry, serving customers around the globe with its baby care products, medical devices, medicines, body nutrition and other day to day consumer products (, 2013). The announcement by Johnson & Johnson had created waves in corporate world; firstly, this marked the biggest acquisition in this industry, and secondly it had multiple-fold effects disturbing many organizations within and outside the industry. Strategic Justification Johnson & Johnson was observed to be laying great emphasis on healthcare sector in recent years, and wanted to shift its focus from consumer products to healthcare products. Thus, in the words of CEO of Johnson & Johnson, acquisition of Synthes was all part of the big plan for Johnson & Johnson: becoming most wide-range orthopedics and neurological business, serving customers worldwide in medical industry. This has enabled Johnson & Johnson to be the absolute provider of all related services in supply chain of orthopedics with a comprehensive coverage for all kinds of products and services. Synthes makes substantial profits in developing markets and third world nations. Therefore, the acquisition decision was in line with Johnson & Johnson’s long-term strategy to promote well being of public, especially in underdeveloped and developing areas, through innovative and healthier products, putting the company in a stronger position than before. It also provided benefits of economies of scale, synergy and bulk buying to the group as they were engaged in similar businesses and therefore idle capacities and resources could now be better utilized, leading to efficient or full employment of factors of production and fall in unit costs as fixed costs were spread over larger number of units being produced (, 2012). Regulatory implications When deciding on acquisition of Synthes, Johnson & Johnson had to consider all legal complications involved; one of them being prohibition of simultaneous holdings in Synthes and DePuy orthopedics subsidiary. Johnson & Johnson and Synthes have been direct competitors in certain sectors of medical equipment and surgical treatment goods and therefore, Federal Trade Commission intervened to protect public interests (, 2012). Antitrust regulations governed by the European Union and U.S. regulators were required to be satisfied and complied with to make due diligence effective. Consequently, it had to divest its stakes from DePuy in order to be able to make acquisition of Synthes legally possible. It accepted offer from Biomet, a company involved in surgical products and instruments to sell the subsidiary for $280 million, receivable in cash (, 2013). On part of Synthes, there were past accusations regarding one of its business units, Norian, of conducting trials to promote its product without permission of relevant authorities. The company ended up paying a penalty and damages to another company, amounting to $22 million. It agreed to dispose of its unit which committed offence previously at its acquisition date (Bloomberg, 2013). Apart from mentioned implications, it was very vital to account for the deferred taxation repercussions involved in due diligence activities, including consideration of accumulated tax losses and deferred tax assets that could be utilized for tax avoidance tactics.

The Beer Industry in the United States Term Paper

The Beer Industry in the United States - Term Paper Example Throughout the world, brewing or the preparation of beer exists as an activity that even offers financial gains. As a point of fact, the United States of America is the leader in terms of beer production (Kirin Holdings, 2009). Not including the home brewers, United States has an estimate of 1700 breweries having the Anheuser - Busch Inc., the MillerCoors Brewing Corporation and the Pabst Brewing Company consecutively as its top three giant companies in terms of sales (Brewers Association, 2010). Nonetheless, despite the case that America comes to be number one in the production of beer around the world, it lags behind a number of countries, in particular, those in Europe, in terms of consumption making US ranked only second to China in total consumption and only 16th in the world in per capita consumption (Kirin Holdings, 2009). ... Third, it endeavors to understand what beer is in the American context. Fourth, it also seeks to define the structure of the American beer industry through looking at the top brewing companies and the craft breweries or microbreweries. Last, it aspires to take a particular look on the brewing at the domestic level. The need to explore the beer industry in American context can backed up by the reason that beer has always been part of the American culture. Beer has held its prominence to almost everyone existing in the world. Likewise, it is of interesting position that the United States is the leader of beer production. However, the beer industry in United States is not known to most of us. That is what this paper wants to shed light on. The significance of this paper is that it contributes to an understanding of what the beer industry looks like in the American context. Review of Related Literatures This part of the paper will first present a general idea of the available literatures about the beer industry in the United States. This review aims to offer a cursory outlook at how the range of presented data is sought to address the problem of this paper. In order to grasp a deeper understanding of the beer industry in the context of United States, this section is categorized into the following segments namely: a) A Brief Historical Account of Beer Industry in United States, b) The Beer Industry and the Different Types of Beers, c) The Beer Terminology in the United States, d) The Structure of the American Beer Industry, e) An Overview of Top 3 Brewing Companies in the United States, f) A Look at the Microbreweries, and g) Understanding Home Brewing. Meanwhile, it is deemed important to note that the reviewed books, articles and other materials

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Idea of Being a Leader Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Idea of Being a Leader - Personal Statement Example Though these were just a few flashes in the pan did not matter at that time. They helped boost my ego which stayed inflated for a long, long time. The last day of the school had come. Suddenly the world seemed large, wide and menacing. I would be leaving all my dear friends with whom I had grown up, laughed, cried, argued, fought, made up, and in general just took life for granted. They had seen me besides studying, taking the active part in school functions, sports, dramas, elocution contests, and always been there for me and with me. I was not really sure what I was to do after school years. One said to go to college, another said it was not worth it. That my parents could not afford my college fees did not deter me. I simply did not have the will. I did not wish to go through some four grueling years just to prove to the world I was leadership material. This is when I learned the importance of following one's intuition when all else fails to convince. (Dr. Garfield, 322)1. It took me a couple of years to decide that I had better learn some skills and find a job. This led me to take up a course in shorthand and typing. I found some jobs and did a course in business management. But there was something else life had in store. I was not aware of it. But when I was 19, a Christian group met me and told me I need God to help me steer the course of my life. After some hesitation, I gave them a chance. Pilgrim's Progress Working in an auto dealers firm, I took an active part in church activities in my spare times. Evangelism and church planting could seem to be a raw deal in the beginning. But it yields fantastic returns and dividends. I found myself participating in campaigns, leadership meetings, seminars, and even began making my own speeches and presentations. My desire for writing found expression in 1976 when I got an opening to work for a religious magazine run by an American lady editor, Jane McNally, under whose leadership, I was able to polish up my grammar and even learn writing skills. I began participating in writing seminars and competitions and won prizes. Visions and Goals I was moving up in life. I found a job in a large, consumer goods manufacturing firm, and got set to buy an apartment flat. But the pay from my regular job, though decent, was not enough. This is when I decided to give a shot at teaching. My English was good and so was my shorthand. I got a part-time assignment to teach both these subjects at an institute after my regular office hours.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Cabling and Factor Tools Essay Example for Free

Cabling and Factor Tools Essay When choosing cabling for a network, there are several factors to consider: cost, Expansion capabilities, bandwidth, signal attenuation, and EMI (Electro- Magnetic Interference). Each type of cable has different specifications that affect these factors, and each organization has different needs. Considering Cable system factors is very important for building a network system that meets an organization’s needs. Now in the design of the installation of your cabling a poorly designed or installed network cabling set-up can reduce network performance. Today, data centers are growing and maturing, and cable management is becoming an important consideration. Proper cable management allows the fast identification of all system connections both at the physical layer and at the documentation level; good cable management also improves the maintenance of hardware equipment and the installation of new one; and finally, structured cabling management makes possible the effective cooling of the data center. You also have to consider fire and safety issues, for where you will be installing the cables. How they will be run throughout the building, will the cables be near other electrical cables and can it cause interference. Will the cableling be properly used under standards and local codes? And if not what would have to be done in order to makes sure it’s all up to code, and fire safety inspections. Some of the tools that will be needed for your installation will be Crimpers, Wire cutters/Stripper, Cable ties, Punch-down tools, voltage dectors, testing tools for when done. Also it would be smart to have a drill and bits/paddle bits, pliers, gloves, flashlight, and a tape measure. These are just a few things that would be useful to have. Prev Page Next Page Search